Fall VS Spring Seeding

Fall or spring seeding? For optimal results, we'll explain when to plant grass seed in spring or fall and how to achieve a healthy green lawn.
Overseeding in the Spring or Fall

Pros and Cons to Fall vs Spring Overseeding

When winter’s cold dark days finally give way to the sights and sounds of Spring, we all feel the natural urge to get out there and enjoy nature; to do our spring ‘lawn work’. And, often, looking at winter’s damage, we decide to seed or over-seed thin and damaged areas of the lawn. It’s only natural to want to make improvements or repairs. And what better time? Temperatures are warming up, trees and shrubs are in bloom. Why not ‘whip’ the lawn into shape with some seed?

The truth is, Spring really is not the best time to plant seed. To be sure, it can be done. But seeding in the Spring of the year carries with it some real challenges. For example, you will be planting new seed going into the most stressful time of the year. As temperatures quickly rise and Spring rains dry up, new seedlings have a tough time just staying alive! Compound that with the fact that overwintering weeds are on a tear and annual grassy weeds, like crabgrass is emerging, ready to crowd out new, struggling grass plants.

Fall Overseeding For Better Results

Spring seeding is an option; just not the best option for maximum seedling establishment and growth. Consider seeding in the Fall. Sure, summer is over and the last thing most of us want is more lawn work! Still, with cool nights, warm days and light fall rains, this is truly the best time to plant seed. Weeds of all sorts, that crowd out and compete with grass plants all summer, are finally slowing down and the overall stress on new plants is much less than in Spring.

Planting seed in the fall, in time for roots to grow aggressively into the soil before it freezes, makes for a quick, successful start next spring. Remember, to encourage strong fall root growth, always apply a ‘starter’ type fertilizer when planting new seed.

Bottom line, seeding in the northern US right around Labor Day is ideal for maximizing chances of a great result. Click here for more lawn care tips:

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