Lawn Seeding Service

ExperiGreens lawn seeding service will help you determine when your lawn can benefit from overseeding. Let our experts help you seed your lawn right and give it the care it needs to flourish.

Revive Your Lawn With ExperiGreen's Lawn Seeding Service

By spreading improved seed varieties, you are introducing new grass plants. New grass varieties can better withstand drought, disease and insect pressures which improve the quality of your lawn over time.

For best results, combine overseeding with Liquid Aeration, this will increase the chance for seed to soil contact which will encourage germination and will result in a healthier, thicker, and more vibrant lawn.


Lawn overseeding
Experigreen Lawn seeding service

Why Do You Need to Overseed Your Lawn?

Overseeding your lawn can help repair areas damaged due to drought, insects or diseases.  Often times, lawns may be damaged by environmental conditions or insect or disease pests and overseeding can provide an effective and reasonable cost solution.  Overseeding is also recommended as an annual maintenance service to help thicken your lawn and introduce newer, improved grass varieties into your lawn.

A Highly Rated Company

Benefits Of Overseeding Your Lawn

Lawn seeding is often accomplished through a process called overseeding.  There are many benefits to overseeding your lawn that include:

  • A healthier lawn: Re-seeding your lawn not only involves getting new grass to grow but it also crowds out places where weeds and crabgrass like to inhabit, like thin or bare areas. Seeding will fill in these areas with what you want, not what you’re trying to prevent!
  •  Lawn Repair: Repairing areas of a lawn that has been damaged by drought, diseaseinsects or other problems. 
  • Lawn Resistance: Introduce newer, more drought, insect and disease resistant grass varieties into your lawn.
  • Lawn Appearance: Thicken an older, thinning lawn by applying new seed varieties.  Improves the overall appearance of your lawn once the new seed germinates and grows.

    So, overseeding is beneficial in several ways and ExperiGreen offers professional lawn seeding services along with a full, comprehensive lawn care program.

benefits of overseeding lawn

Why Your Neighbors Love ExperiGreen

In addition to utilizing industry-leading products and technologies for your lawn and landscape, we continually train our employees so they are able to offer the absolute best service possible.

“This company has SAVED my lawn. They do excellent work and have really helped me keep my yard looking beautiful. I trust this company and recommend them without reservation!”

– Luke Simington

“I love Experigreen! I have used them for my lawn care for 2 years. Customer service is very accommodating. If you have rental property (which I do), you get some really good savings”

– Alice Brite

“I am extremely happy with Experigreen and can see the difference their care has made in our lawn. Their treatments have been consistent and exactly on the indicated periods during the spring, summer and fall.  I highly recommend Experigreen. Super job!!!”

– Evi Torres

Frequently Asked Questions

Overseeding is the process of broadcasting grass seed over a lawn area or an entire lawn.  Overseeding is best done, coupled with core aeration or liquid aeration in the fall, as temperatures cool down and moisture from fall rains is plentiful.  These are ideal conditions for root system growth and expansion.  At ExperiGreen, we offer Aeration & Overseeding services completed by trained experts using only quality, professional seed varieties suited for your local area and climate.

Overseeding is the process of broadcasting grass seed over a lawn area or an entire lawn.  Overseeding is best done, coupled with core aeration in the fall, as temperatures cool down and moisture from fall rains is plentiful.  These are ideal conditions for root system growth and expansion.

Proper watering after seeding a lawn is key to seeding or overseeding success.  It is important to keep the new seed moist. Watering daily is very important and if possible, watering 2 or 3 times per day for short periods of time is recommended. This will keep the seeds and seedlings moist, which is key and will enhance quick germination over the first few weeks and result in a thicker stand of grass over time.

Overseeding your grass or lawn is best done in the fall. Overseeding, coupled with core aeration in the fall, as temperatures cool down and mositure from fall rains is plentiful make for ideal germination conditions. Root system growth and expansion accelerates at this time of year. Unfortunately, sometimes you cannot wait for fall and spring seeding may be your only option. To prepare the lawn for spring seeding, be sure to mow the lawn shorter than normal. Any bare areas should be cultivated using a rake or other tool to create an open, loose seed bed so the new seed can germinate effectively. Often a lawn aeration machine is used to aerate the lawn, then seed is broadcast over the entire lawn.

It is recommended that a lawn is fertilized soon after overseeding.  A special formulation of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium, called “starter fertilizer” is the best fertilizer for overseeding. At ExperiGreen, we offer Aeration & Overseeding service and as part of our lawn program will apply a starter fertilizer after seeding.

Mowing along with proper watering is key to a successful lawn overseeding.  Ideally the lawn was mowed a bit shorter right before seeding.  After the seeding, it is recommended that you wait at least a week before mowing so the seed can settle to the soil level and has a chance to germinate. As new grass begins to fill in, be sure to mow tall, at a height of at least three inches or higher. Mow frequently, taking off no more than one-third of the grass blade per mowing.

Overseeding is the process of broadcasting grass seed over a lawn area or an entire lawn.  Overseeding is best done, coupled with core aeration in the fall, as temperatures cool down and moisture from fall rains is plentiful.  These are ideal conditions for root system growth and expansion.  At ExperiGreen we offer Aeration & Overseeding services completed by trained experts using only quality, professional seed varieties suited for your local area and climate.

Get Your Personalized Lawn Seeding Program Today