Wild Garlic In Home Lawns
Weed Wednesday is back! This year we decided to start earlier because believe it or not, weeds grow all year round! To kick things off, let’s talk about a perennial weed that you may be seeing now; Wild Garlic (allium vineale).
This weed is a relative of onions and a flowering plant of the lily family. Originating from Europe, it is found in the eastern half of the US as well as the pacific northwest. This perennial is also widespread throughout Ohio. It was originally mixed in soil for ballast on European ships but then dumped ashore to make room for returning cargo.

This perennial weed, which continues to regrow over a few seasons, often grows in lawns, grain fields, as well as along rivers or streams. Wild Garlic has an underground structure called a bulb, that it grows from. This oval bulb produces fibrous roots and is covered in a papery outer layer. These bulbs will produce smooth erect waxy stems that can grow up to 3 ½ feet high. Hollow leaves will also emerge from the bulb and can be up to 2 feet long. Once it blooms, it produces purple to greenish flowers with 6 small petals as well as small bulblets. From each of the flowers, 2 seeds are developed in an egg-shaped capsule that is ready to disperse into your lawn.

Wild garlic can be extremely difficult to eradicate because of bulblets sprouting and growing at different times from the same plant. Because of this, it’s important to apply chemical control in the winter and early spring. Additional treatments may be needed to ensure regrowth does not occur. Some homeowners are tempted to pull Wild Garlic from their lawns but the chances of the bulb remaining in the soil are high so chemical control is the best bet for total eradication. That’s where we come in.
Don’t have ExperiGreen? Not a problem! With season-long fertilization applications, 2 crabgrass prevention treatments in the spring, and delivery of key nutrients to your lawn at the right time, our Experts will make sure your lawn gets and maintains a healthy, lush, and weed-free appearance. Call us today to learn more about our services and how you can get your first application for $29.95*.

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