Summer Lawns
Summer; hot, sunny days, night time temperatures over 70 degrees and 95% humidity. Tough times for humans and stressful conditions out on the lawn. Though obviously different, grass plants are just as alive as we humans. What that means is, in order to live and grow in the most vigorous way, certain specific conditions must exist.
Most importantly, your lawn needs 1.0 – 1.5 inches of water each and every week, in lieu of natural rainfall. It needs supplemental nutrients, as well. At least 4.0 – 5.0 pounds of Nitrogen per 1,000 square feet of turf per year is required to sustain maximum, healthy growth. Does your lawn receive the necessary water and fertilizer? If the answer is no, expect the lawn to quickly go ‘off color’, turning first dull green then yellow and, finally, if no water is provided, drought driven browning out.
Add to that the tendency of most homeowners to fail to sharpen mower blades and you can additionally expect the lawn to look ‘off color’. Dull mower blades will shred the grass blades, which then dry out and turn brown after each mowing.
And, what about summer pests? As if crabgrass and dandelions are not challenge enough, surface and sub-surface grass destroying insects can polish off the best of lawns!
Had enough? There’s more! High humidity, steamy nights and hot days that stress lawns, typically lead to disease problems. Dollar spot and various summer patch invasions take out significant turf areas, especially on poorly maintained lawns.
So, what to do? Wave the white flag of surrender and take your chances? Absolutely not! The way to maintain a healthy, vibrant lawn all season, is to provide the well known cultural practices every lawn needs. Then, monitor the lawns condition. Knowing that bugs and disease are out there, keep an eye on the lawn. Get down on your hands and knees. Are the blades deep green and free of disease lesions [brown spots]?
When you see the lawn going off color, react quickly. Is the lawn dry? Probe the soil. Pull a sample to determine the depth of moisture. The soil should be moist to a depth of 2-3 inches. Add water as needed; and water regularly every few days to maintain moisture levels.
So, you’re not a lawn expert, you say. Not to worry. The internet is flooded with valuable ‘how to’ lawn information. And, if you are one of the millions of Americans who may prefer to partner with an experienced, professional lawn care service, check out ExperiGreen’s proven programs.
Experience, knowledge and solutions to summer lawn challenges. Protect your investment today!
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