Fire Ant Control Service

ExperiGreen’s fire ant control service includes lawn inspections and necessary treatments that guarantee protection against fire ants. Our experts will treat the fire ant infestation so that you can reclaim your lawn and enjoy your outdoor living space.

*Service available in Charlotte area ONLY

Charlotte Fire Any Control Service

Getting rid of fire ants in your yard can be a challenging task. The Red Imported Fire Ant is an invasive species commonly found in in the southern United States from California, New Mexico, through Texas and most other southern states. The range of fire ants has continued to grow, and they can now be found as far north as Maryland. Fire ants tend to build large mound type nests, that are irregular in shape, flattened and can be two to four square feet in size. They tend to build their nests near structural foundations, in landscape beds and often along the perimeter of lawn areas. They can be treated and controlled with insect control products, but often require multiple treatments for complete control. At ExperiGreen, we offer a complete fire ant control service that is guaranteed by the Experts!

Why Do You Need Fire Ant Control?

Fire ants don’t actually bite but do sting. Their sting can be quite painful to many people and one ant can deliver multiple stings. A person or pet may unknowingly disturb a mound and many of these tiny ants can deliver multiple painful stings before the person or pet even realizes it. It is important to control fire ants before their populations get too high. We at ExperiGreen are the experts when it comes to fire ant control, so give us a call today.

Benefits Of Our

Fire Ant Control


We apply a targeted treatment that eliminates the live fire ants and eggs within the colony. We use a unique product that does not act as a repellent, so it does not drive the ants away. They contact the material and then go back to the colony, since fire ants are highly social insects. The residual effect is then spread throughout by the other ants, resulting in the elimination of the colony.

Our service offers:

Highly Rated Company

Why Your Neighbors Love ExperiGreen

In addition to utilizing industry-leading products and technologies for your lawn and landscape, we continually train our employees so they are able to offer the absolute best service possible.

“This company has SAVED my lawn. They do excellent work and have really helped me keep my yard looking beautiful. I trust this company and recommend them without reservation!”

– Luke Simington

“I love Experigreen! I have used them for my lawn care for 2 years. Customer service is very accommodating. If you have rental property (which I do), you get some really good savings”

– Alice Brite

“I am extremely happy with Experigreen and can see the difference their care has made in our lawn. Their treatments have been consistent and exactly on the indicated periods during the spring, summer and fall.  I highly recommend Experigreen. Super job!!!”

– Evi Torres

Frequently Asked Questions

Getting rid of fire ants in your yard can be a challenging task. The Red Imported Fire Ant is an invasive species commonly found in in the southern United States from California, New Mexico, through Texas and most other southern states. They tend to build their nests near structural foundations, in landscape beds and often along the perimeter of lawn areas. They can be treated and controlled with insect control products, but often require multiple treatments for complete control. At ExperiGreen, we offer a complete fire ant control service that is guaranteed by the Experts!
There are several insecticides labeled and marketed for fire ant treatments, but as with most things, some work better than others. You can buy do-it-yourself products at the big box stores or at the hardware store, but the results may be less than desired. At ExperiGreen, we offer a complete fire ant control service that is guaranteed by the Experts! Call today for professional fire ant control.
There are many home remedies touted for killing ants and particularly fire ants. One remedy is common salt. Truly, the verdict is out on whether salt will kill fire ants. Yes, salt is an anti-dessicant and if a salt solution is sprayed directly on the ant(s) you will be able to kill some of them, that come in direct contact with the solution. The problem is they build large, complex mounds that can spread out several feet and several inches to feet deep as well. Too many ants will be out foraging or deep in the nest to control or kill all of them. A better solution is to contact the experts at ExperiGreen for a complete fire ant control service.
We often get asked “How do you get rid of fire ants?” Getting rid of fire ants in your yard can be a challenging task. They can be treated and controlled with insect control products, but often require multiple treatments for complete control. At ExperiGreen, we offer a complete fire ant control service that is guaranteed by the Experts!

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